Rajinikanth receives UAE Golden Visa

Rajinikanth (middle) receives the Golden Visa from UAE's DTC Chairman Mohamed Khalifa Al Mubarak. M A Yusuff Ali on his left. Photo: Special Arrangement

South Indian superstar Rajinikanth received the UAE's Golden Visa at the Department of Culture and Tourism (DCT) in Abu Dhabi. DTC Chairman Moahmed Khalifa Al Mubarak handed it over to the actor, in the presence of Malayali businessman M A Yusuff Ali. As per reports, Yusuff Ali had completed the procedures for the same recently. Rajinikanth said that he is proud to have received the recognition from the UAE government. He also thanked Yusuff Ali, the head of Lulu Group, for handling the procedures of the visa. Rajinikanth, who enjoys fandom across countries, visited the BAPS Hindu Mandir and Abu Dhabi's Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque - the largest in the country -  during his visit. BAPS Hindu Mandir is the first Hindu temple in the Middle East to be built using traditional Indian techniques. It is also the biggest temple in the GCC region. 
Trip with Yusuff Ali viral
A video of Rajinikanth being driven around by Yusuff Ali had recently gone viral on social media. As per reports, after reaching the UAE, Rajinikanth visited the global headquarters of Lulu Group International first and he was received by Yusuff Ali. He was taken to Yusuff Ali's residence too, later, where they both spent hours bonding over lunch. 

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