Following the tragic incident in which five members of a family lost their lives near Maharashtra's Bhushi Dam near Lonavala on Sunday, the Pune district collector Suhas Divase has brought out strict guidelines for tourists and local authorities. The instructions aim to ensure safety in tourist spots and avert similar instances in the future. A safety survey will soon be conducted in various areas around the Western Ghats including Maval, Khed, Mulshi, Bhor, Junnar, Ambegaon and Velha, which experience tourism activity and yet have the potential for hazards. Officials will also visit various dams, waterfalls, rivers, lakes, forest areas and forts around the region to inspect safety measures. These are the safety instructions issued for tourists and local authorities by the administration:
1) Entry to tourist spots, especially those inside forests, is banned after 6 pm.
2) Popular tourist areas with potential safety threats are to be shut down for visitors.
3) Tourists won't be allowed to enter the water bodies of Lonavala, Mulshi, Maval and Pavana.
4) Govt to install more warning signs at tourist spots, in addition to the existing ones. Actions will be taken against local authorities too if this is not followed.
5) Action will be taken against youth who create a ruckus at tourist spots or fail to comply with the instructions of guides and officials.
6) Divers, lifeguards, rescue boats and life jackets should be ensured near water bodies that experience tourism activity and increased number of visitors especially in the monsoon season. The railways, revenue, forest, PWD and municipal corporation departments should ensure the implementation of these steps.
7) District administration should collaborate with local communities, trekkers, NGOs and rescue groups to boost the safety features in tourism spots.