Malayala Manorama to honour Plus-2, Class 12 toppers in Kottayam district on June 1

Awards and trophies
Representative image: Shutterstock/ApoevArt

Malayala Manorama is organising a function to felicitate students in Kottayam district who secured A-Plus in all subjects for Plus Two exam and A-1 in all papers in CBSE Class 12 exam.

The event will be conducted with the cooperation of St Joseph’s College of Engineering and Technology at Choondacherry in Pala, at 10 am on June 1. The venue is the main hall of the St Joseph’s College. Merit medals and certificates will be presented to the students during the event. Students who register for the programme have to reach the venue by 9 am on June 1.

Eligible students can fill up a Google Form to register. They can inform the authorities about their name, marks and other details during registration. Those who have already registered for the event need not do so again.

Vehicle facility will be arranged for participants from Kottaramattom in Pala to the college campus at Choondacherry.

For details, call 8078701702.

The registration link is

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