What happens when you microwave a raw egg?

Raw eggs placed inside a microwave oven. Photo: Shutterstock/Saskiautami

Microwaving a raw egg can lead to a potentially dangerous situation due to the buildup of steam inside the egg.

When you microwave a raw egg in its shell, the microwaves penetrate the shell and heat the egg's contents, including the water inside. As the water heats up, it turns into steam. The steam generated inside the egg creates pressure, and since the shell is impermeable, there's nowhere for the steam to escape. This buildup of pressure can cause the egg to explode.

If the pressure inside the egg becomes too high, the egg can explode with considerable force. This can lead to a messy and potentially dangerous situation. The explosion of a microwaved egg can cause hot egg and shell fragments to scatter, posing a risk of burns or injuries to anyone nearby. Additionally, the force of the explosion can damage the microwave and create a mess that requires thorough cleaning.

Due to the risk of explosion and potential injury, it's important to never microwave a raw egg in its shell. If you need to heat or cook eggs in the microwave, it's safer to crack them open and cook them in a microwave-safe container or follow specific microwave egg cooking instructions that involve puncturing the egg yolk and covering the container to prevent steam buildup.

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