How to make soft Kerala porotta dough at home in a minute

Photo: SAM THOMAS A/Shutterstock

Nothing can beat Keralites’ love for soft and flaky porotta. However, this stretchy flatbread is not often made at home as making the perfect dough is a tiresome and time consuming task. What if we give an easy hack using which the dough can be prepared in just a minute's time? Here is how to prepare perfect porotta dough in mixer jar, in under a minute.

2 ½ cups all purpose flour
1 egg
¾ cup water
1 tsp salt
¼ tsp baking soda
3 tbsp oil
Melted butter as required

You could prepare up to seven porottas like this
The dough could be prepared in two batches (the mixer should at least be of 750 watts)
Break the egg into a bowl
All water to make it a cup
Beat well and keep it aside
Vegetarians could avoid egg and use just water
Pour half cup of egg into the mixer jar
Into it add 1 ¼ cups all purpose flour, half teaspoon salt, a pinch of baking soda and 1 tbsp oil
Blend it on pulse
The pulses should be in intervals
The dough would be prepared within 30-40 seconds
Mix the rest of the all purpose flour too
Rub some oil on the dough and allow it to rest for 20 minutes
Make 7 balls from this
Grease the rolling pin nicely with oil so that the dough wouldn’t get stuck
Roll the dough balls into sheets
Rub some melted butter to make it soft
Sprinkle wheat flour before cutting it into thin strips
Roll these strips in the shape of porotta
Roll again using your palms or using a rolling pin
Cook on hot pan
Enjoy homemade porotta with vegetable or meat curries.

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