Carrot-cucumber smoothie, methi-kalaunji hair pack; note Apoorva Arora's haircare regimen

Apoorva Arora says she uses hair packs using fenugreek and onion seeds. Photo: IANS

Mumbai: The change in climate leaves an impact on the tone and tenor of skin and hair requiring adequate care tactics. Often, natural herbs, are used for such skin and hair care measures because of their lasting effects and the absence of side effects.

Actress Apoorva Arora, who has been receiving a lot of positive responses for her recently released streaming series 'Family Aaj Kal', has shared her hair care routine.

The actress shared she likes to include amla, beetroot, carrot and cucumber smoothie in her diet to ensure the rich texture of her hair. She said, "Soaked almonds and walnuts are also an important part of my diet."

Talking about what products she applies to her hair, she said, "My mother makes hair packs for me using fenugreek and onion seeds. And one using bananas and eggs. I also try to not style my hair using heat as much as possible."

Recently, the actress attended the Adishakti workshop at Auroville. She spoke about her routine at the workshop, and said that it has given her a deeper understanding of herself as an artiste.

She had earlier said that the workshop not only enhanced her acting skills but has also provided her with a deeper understanding of herself as an artiste. She called it a "truly life-changing experience".

The actress who appears in Hindi, Punjabi Gujarati and Kannada films last appeared in the Hindi film 'Lost and Found in Singapore' playing the character of Sitara. She also appears in web series and music videos.
(With inputs from IANS)

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