As the mercury rises with the onset of summer, health experts urge the public, especially vulnerable groups such as children, the elderly, pregnant women, and those with reduced immunity, to remain vigilant against the resurgence of diseases like chickenpox. Health Minister Veena George recently warned people to be vigilant against chickenpox in the wake of the state's temperature rise while cautioning them not to indulge in self-treatment.

If there are symptoms of the disease, people should seek professional treatment at the earliest. Infants, adolescents, adults, pregnant women, less-immune people – HIV and cancer affected, organ recipients, those using chemotherapy/steroid drugs, and those with chronic lung/skin disease should be especially careful as they are at risk of becoming critical. She also urged those who have come in contact with a chickenpox patient or have symptoms to seek the advice of health workers.


What is chickenpox?
Chickenpox is an infectious disease caused by the virus Varicella Zoster. Those who have not yet contracted chickenpox or those who have not been vaccinated are likely to contract the disease.

How it spreads
Chickenpox can be contracted through close contact with people with chickenpox and herpes zoster diseases, through secretions in bubbles, and by inhaling particles from coughing and sneezing. The disease can be transmitted from two days before the surfacing of bubbles in the body until they heal. The symptoms may appear for 10 to 21 days.


The symptoms include fever, fatigue, body aches, loss of appetite, headache, and blisters in the body. They start with lumps on the face, abdomen, chest, back, hands and legs. Then, they will turn into water-logged bubbles and burst or dry up within four to seven days.

Representative image: Shutterstock/PopTika
Those who have not yet contracted chickenpox or those who have not been vaccinated are likely to contract the disease. Photo: Shutterstock/PopTika

Where you need to pay special attention
Extra care should be taken if you are experiencing symptoms such as fever for more than four days, severe fever, severe pain/pus in the bubbles, excessive sleep, confusion, nervousness, difficulty walking, neck pain, frequent vomiting, shortness of breath, severe cough, severe abdominal pain, and bleeding. Since these are symptoms of chickenpox complications such as pneumonia, encephalitis, liver inflammation, sepsis, etc. treatment should be sought at the earliest.


The care needed if contracted the disease
In case of illness, take complete rest in a ventilated room. Drink plenty of water. Eat fruits and avoid direct contact with others. Do not share the clothes and other items used by the patient with others. Disinfect them with bleaching solutions.

The chicken pox symptoms include fever, red marks on the body, fluid-filled blisters, headache and body pain. Photo: Shutterstock/MemoryMan
The chicken pox symptoms include fever, red marks on the body, fluid-filled blisters, headache and body pain. Photo: Shutterstock/MemoryMan

Apply calamine lotion to the itchy area. Blot the body with a soft, wet cloth at regular intervals. Bathing in normal water can help in reducing and relieving itching. Cut the nails on your hands and keep them clean. If you scratch the bubble, wash your hands with soap and water. Even while undergoing treatment for chickenpox, don't stop taking your regular medicines. Those who have not had chickenpox can prevent the disease by taking the vaccine within 72 hours of coming in contact with chickenpox /herpes zoster patients.

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