Did you know that these little brown seeds, better known as flaxseeds, have been valued since ancient times for their nutritional benefits? It even finds a mention in the Bible and many historical texts as an item used in temples and for dietary and religious purposes. Even now, it's grounded and added to a variety of preparations, its oil is used to apply on skin and scalp and its gel is mixed with oils to make nourishing hair masks. Flaxseeds have many properties that can help you lose weight and improve your skin. Here are a few easy tips to use flaxseed to shed those extra kilos and give your hair that extra shine.

Lose weight with flaxseed
Interestingly, powdered or ground flaxseeds are easier to digest than whole seeds as this version can help your body absorb nutrients, protein, fibre and fats better. It also makes you feel full, which can help control your appetite and reduce the calorie load of your meals. Here's what you can do with ground flaxseeds:
1) Add a tablespoon of it to your smoothie, yoghurt, oatmeal, salads, muffins, breads, puddings or even soups.
2) Mix 2 tablespoons of flaxseed powder in your herbal tea or water. Drink it after letting it soak for a while.
3) Mix the powder with peanut butter and spread it on whole-grain bread to have a healthier version.
4) Flaxseed gel can also be used as a thickener in various recipes.


How to use flaxseed for skin brightening
1) Make a facemask with 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseed with honey and apply it on your face.
2) After cleaning your skin, apply a few drops of flaxseed oil on your skin for deep moisturisation.
3) To hydrate your skin, mix ground flaxseed with aloe vera gel and apply it
4) To exfoliate your skin, mix ground flaxseed with coconut oil and scrub your skin gently.

Flaxseed health benefits 
1) Its high fibre content helps you in regular bowel movement
2) It helps alleviate menopausal and premenstrual syndrome symptoms and discomfort
3) Its anti-inflammatory properties help manage conditions like arthritis
4) It's said to be good at inhibiting the cell growth of certain cancers like breast and prostate cancer
5) It can help those with diabetes to stabilize blood sugar levels


How to eat flaxseeds
Here are some unconventional yet beneficial ways to consume flaxseeds:
1) No-bake energy bites are made by combining flaxseeds with nuts, dried fruits and honey
2) Adding flaxseed powder to your homemade pancake mix can enrich the nutrients in your breakfast
3) You can add ground flaxseeds in upma, paratha or oothappam
4) You can also simply roast and eat them as it enhances flavour and texture. 

Flaxseed oil benefits
1) It can help sharpen your brain health and cognitive function, improving memory and focus
2) Incorporate it into your cooking to improve eye health by maintaining lubrication
3) It's also good for overall cardiovascular health

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