Shah Rukh Khan undergoes treatment for heat stroke: How was his health affected?

Shah Rukh Khan during the match of Kolkata Knight Riders. Photo: AFP

Bollywood superstar and IPL team owner Shah Rukh Khan suffered from dehydration and excessive heat in Ahmedabad on Wednesday while attending the match of his team Kolkata Knight Riders at the Narendra Modi Stadium. He is likely to be discharged on Thursday, a police official said. The private medical facility K D Hospital, where he was admitted, has not yet issued any statement on Khan's health condition. "Khan is still undergoing treatment at the hospital. He may get discharged today," Ahmedabad (Rural) Superintendent of Police Om Prakash Jat said. Several parts of Gujarat have been reeling under a severe heatwave for the last couple of days. As per a report by the India Meteorological Department (IMD), Ahmedabad city was under "heatwave" on Tuesday and Wednesday when it recorded a maximum temperature of 45.2 and 45.9 degrees Celsius, respectively.

How does heat stroke affect health?
Heat stroke is a condition in which our body's temperature regulation system fails due to prolonged exposure to high temperatures and humidity. It can elevate our core body temperature and affect our body's ability to cool itself through sweating. 
What happens when you get a heat stroke?
Throbbing headaches, lack of sweating despite high heat, dry skin, lightheadedness, dizziness, muscle cramps, vomiting, rapid heartbeat, disorientation and unconsciousness are some of the symptoms of being affected by heat stroke. It also results in severe dehydration and at times, organ damage. 

How to stay safe from heat stroke?
Drinking plenty of water and other non-sugary fluids, avoiding alcohol and caffeine, wearing loose-fitting, lightweight clothes, wearing wide hats and sunglasses, spending time in air-conditioned buildings, limiting outdoor activity and taking cool showers are some of the ways by which you can save your body from heat stroke. Infants, pregnant women, the elderly and those with severe medical issues should take extra care to avoid getting affected by heatwave effects. Monitoring weather forecasts before venturing out will also help you take necessary precautions to stay safe. 
(With PTI inputs)

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