Avoid these mistakes at the gym to have a healthy workout routine

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Youngsters have been largely turning to gym workouts to maintain physical and mental fitness. Even though it is a positive trend, some tend to commit a few mistakes out of over-enthusiasm, putting their heart health at risk. News of youngsters, including celebrities, getting heart attacks after hitting the gym are often reported these days. Keep the following points in mind while working out at the gym to develop a healthy and safe routine.
Do not overtrain
Some people overexercise out of enthusiasm or think that stressing your body too much would help in swift weight loss. Trying to lift weights that are too heavy or attempting complex exercises without necessary preparation may do more harm than good. Overtraining may lead to a spontaneous increase in heart rate and blood pressure. This may put unnecessary strain on the heart, increasing the risk of heart attack.
Stop when you are tired
Do not ignore the warning signs that your heart gives while working out. Chest pain, nausea, shortness of breath or increased heartbeats may be signs that something is not right with your heart. It may be dangerous to continue exercising by ignoring these signs. Do not hesitate to stop exercising and relax if you feel uncomfortable.
Wrong postures
Wrong postures while working out may cause injuries to your body including the heart. Bending the body too much or increasing the pace while lifting weights may stress the heart and other muscles. Moreover, it may lead to muscle tears or joint injuries. It is better to start a new exercise only under the supervision of your trainer.
Warm-up is key
Warm up increases the blood flow to the muscles and increases the body temperature, preparing the body for an intense workout. It is not advisable to directly start exercising without a proper warm-up. Similarly, warming down or cooling down after the workout gradually recovers your body and lowers the heart rate. There is a high risk of heart-related illnesses if you do not give yourself enough time to warm up and cool down.
Avoid dehydration
It is important to keep your body hydrated by sipping water at regular intervals. Dehydration may lead to low blood volume which rapidly increases heart rate. Loss of electrolytes increases dehydration and may result in heart-related illness.
Too much cardio workout
Doing cardio exercises for maintaining heart health may backfire if you overstrain. Weakened muscles, high cortisol levels and oxidative stress are the results of overdoing cardio exercises.
Get sufficient rest
Resting is key when it comes to any kind of exercise. The body is stressed while working out; so, the body requires sufficient rest for recovery. Not getting enough rest may lead to exhaustion, underperformance and injuries too.
Share medical details with the trainer
It is dangerous to indulge in exercise by ignoring your health conditions or not revealing it to your trainer. Those who suffer from high blood pressure, coronary heart disease arrhythmia or irregular heartbeats should take the necessary precautions while exercising. Do not hesitate to discuss such conditions in detail with your trainer before starting working out. Moreover, if you are someone who regularly consults a doctor for a health condition, it is important to seek his/her advice before hitting the gym. Those who are just starting gym workouts should try finding a balanced approach. It is better to begin with lighter exercises and then move on to the intense ones, once your body gets used to the routine. Moreover, paying heed to the warning signs that the body shows is important. These signs shouldn’t be ignored as they may lead to severe health problems and injuries.