New Delhi: The Defence Ministry on Friday cleared the procurement of military hardware worth Rs 84,560 crore including multi-mission maritime aircraft to boost the overall combat capabilities of the armed forces. The procurement proposals were cleared by the Defence Acquisition Council (DAC), headed by Defence Minister Rajnath Singh. 

The proposals cleared by the DAC include new-generation anti-tank mines, air defence tactical control radar, heavy-weight torpedoes, medium-range maritime reconnaissance and multi-mission maritime aircraft, flight refueller aircraft and software-defined radios. 


The DAC approved the procurement of medium-range maritime reconnaissance and multi-mission maritime aircraft for strengthening the surveillance and interdiction capabilities of the Indian Navy and the Indian Coast Guard, the defence ministry said.

A proposal to procure air defence tactical control radar was also approved to strengthen the air defence systems, especially the capabilities to detect slow, small and low-flying targets, it said.


"To enhance the operational efficiency and domination in the tactical battle area for engaging targets that are beyond visual line of sight by the mechanised forces, the AoN (approval of necessity) under Buy (Indian-IDDM) category has been accorded for procurement of canister launched anti-armour loiter munition system," the defence ministry said.

It said the DAC accorded AoN for procurement of Flight Refueller Aircraft for enhancing the operational capabilities and reach of the Indian Air Force.

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