Bluetooth-controlled car wins Kottayam schoolkids tech prize

Aakaar 2019 zonal winners Vishnu Nair P, Ezra Shaji, Nikhil R Prince, Alex J Kalathil, Yan Chummar, Manoj Kumar, Aleena Aji, Aimie Donnie, Irine Acha Mathew and Arabhi Gopakumar along with faculty Nisha Thomas.

Kottayam: Students of Marian Senior Secondary School have won the first prize in the recently concluded Aakaar 2019, a national seminar conducted by Indian Institute of Technology-Bombay. The zonal competition was held at Excelsior English School, here.

With the win, the Kottayam school also booked a slot in the grand finale of Vigyantram, which will be conducted at IIT-Bombay campus.

During the workshop, the Marian schoolkids successfully assembled a working model of remote control car which can be operated using a smartphone after pairing it via Bluetooth.

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