Kerala court sentences man to 90 years in prison for sexually abusing 8-year-old son

Representational image: Canva
  • The 44-year-old mason was found guilty under one section of the IPC and four sections of the POCSO Act
  • The fast-track court judge Rajesh R also fined the man Rs 1.25 lakh

Kannur: A fast-track court in Taliparamba sentenced a man to 90 years of rigorous imprisonment for sexually assaulting his eight-year-old son in Payyannur.

The special court judge Rajesh R found the 44-year-old man guilty of sexually abusing his minor son (under the age of 12) several times under one section of the IPC and four sections of the Protection of Children Against Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act and fined him Rs 1.25 lakh on Thursday.

The father was awarded 10 years imprisonment under section 377 of the IPC (unnatural offences), and 20 years each under section 3 (a), 5 (l), (m), and (n) of the POCSO Act, said Sherymol Jose, the special public prosecutor for sex crimes against children. Since the sentences will run concurrently, he will have to serve only 20 years in prison.

According to the crime file, the man inserted his penis in his son's mouth on the night of July 26, 2018. But the boy told police that his father had done that several times before.

Payyannur Station House Officer - Inspector Vinod Kumar K arrested the father on August 5, 2018. At the time of the crime, the accused, who worked as a mason, was 40 years old. The man was granted bail later.

After the crime, his wife moved out of his house with their two sons and is living in her parents' house.

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