PGA Tour winner Grayson Murray dies at 30

Christiana Ritchie & Grayson Murray
Grayson Murray with his fiancee Christiana Ritchie. File photo: Reuters/Brian Snyder

Two-time Professional Golfers' Association of America (PGA) Tour winner Grayson Murray died on Saturday, a day after withdrawing from the Charles Schwab Challenge in Fort Worth, Texas, the PGA said in a statement.

American Murray, who was 30, won his most recent title at this year's Sony Open and had pulled out of the Charles Schwab tournament during the second round citing an illness.

Murray, who picked up his first title on the PGA Tour in 2017, reached a career-high 46th in the world rankings after his Sony Open win.

"We were devastated to learn – and are heartbroken to share – that PGA Tour player Grayson Murray passed away this morning. I am at a loss for words," PGA Tour Commissioner Jay Monahan said in a statement.

"The PGA Tour is a family, and when you lose a member of your family, you are never the same."

Grayson Murray
Murray reached a career-high 46th in the world rankings. File photo: USA TODAY Sports/Jim Dedmon-via Reuters

The PGA did not disclose a cause of death. Monahan said the tour decided to continue the tournament after consulting with Murray's family.

American Webb Simpson said he heard the news only 10 minutes before teeing off on Saturday at Colonial Country Club.

"I first met Grayson at my home club when Grayson was probably eight years old, maybe nine," he told reporters.

"When you hear news like that over the phone you don't think it's real at first, and you know, you hear the emotion coming from our swing coach and then you realize it's real."

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