The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. True to this dictum, Mar Ivanios College in Thiruvananthapuram, which is no stranger to winning a championship trophy, found a recent triumph at a university meet very special and rejoiced over it, though every victory is significant and joyfully celebrated by the teachers and students of the institution always.

Recently, the college was crowned the overall winner of the Kerala University Youth Festival with 273 points. They were also awarded the 'Ambili Aravindan Kalakireedom' following this event.

Group Dance and Margamkali team of the college. Photo: Mar Ivanios College

The institution had another proud moment when Nandakishore, a first-year BA English Literature student at the college, won the title 'Kalaprathibha' with 33 points in various competitions, including Ottan Thullal and Kathakali. Other winners include Kripa Suresh and Sarang Sunil, with 13 and 11 points, respectively.


As many as 170 students of the college took part in this five-day youth festival, while at least 50 Mar Ivanians supported the participants by volunteering in the food, transport, and support committees.

Kolkali and Oppana team that participated from the college at Kerala University youth Festival. Photo: Mar Ivanios College

"This championship is the fruit of teamwork. Everybody, be it the teachers, non-teaching staff, parents, and students, supported each other and worked together day and night for this fest," said Adithya Ramesh, the vice-chairperson of the college students' council.

Mar Ivanians bagged first place in events such as group dance, folk song, quiz, vanchipaattu, Margamkali, mime, Keralanadanam, Thiruvathirakali, and vattapaattu. They also won second place in competitions including group song, western vocals, oppana, skit, ganamela, and debate (Malayalam). Their Kolkali team bagged third place in the festival.

Keralanadanam and Western Vocals team of Mar Ivanios College. Photo: Mar Ivanios College

Vice Principal Dr Shirley Stewart also shared her happiness over this win and applauded the students' dedication and efforts. "Our children have been tirelessly preparing for this event for the past two months. With the guidance and support of teachers and trainers, they practised throughout the day for weeks. I am so proud of our students," she said.

Aparna Prabhakar, the general secretary of the students' union, described the youth festival as 'an unforgettable experience'.

Students of Mar Ivanios College holding the championship trophy of the Kerala University Youth Festival (left) and Thiruvathirakali team of the colleges (right). Photo: Mar Ivanios College
Students of Mar Ivanios College holding the championship trophy of the Kerala University Youth Festival (left) and Thiruvathirakali team of the colleges (right). Photo: Mar Ivanios College

"There were students who travelled to and fro daily from long distances for our practice sessions. A few students fell sick and fainted during the events, but they did not refrain from participating in their events or volunteering for various committees," she noted.  

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