Actor Shine Tom Chacko, who was last seen in the Kamal directorial 'Vivekanandan Viralanu', plays a Romeo in Akhil Abdul Khader's short film 'Romeo Laiju'. The short film, which released on Saina Play recently, is a humorous take on a womanizer who is on the hunt for a bride.
The short film also features Ardra Mohan, Jordi Poonjar, Pareekutty, Lijish, among others in prominent roles. Azim Roshan is the music composer, while Aswanth Raveendran has edited the short film. Yatheendran has co-written the script along with director Akhil, who has worked as veteran director Kamal's assistant in several movies.
Shine has essayed his role as a Romeo well. The busy actor has a line up of new releases. He starred as Bineesh Chandran in the recently released movie 'Thundu' starring Biju Menon. In the film, he plays a cop, who often tries to create trouble for police constable Baby (Biju Menon). He also played the lead role in 'Vivekanandan Viralanu'. It should be noted that Shine started his career as Kamal's assistant in the early 2000s. He made his acting debut with the movie 'Gadamma' featuring Kavya Madhavan.