Culinary enthusiasts call the wine one of the most beautiful creations that can create symphonies with your palettes. While some swallow the wine in one huge gulp, others like to sip slowly enjoying every note of flavour. The way in which one drinks the wine is what makes it an enchanting experience, revealing multiple layers of perfection.

The colour, taste and strength of the red wine, white wine, rose wine and orange wine are determined by the quality of the grapes and the various methods of brewing. Each kind should be enjoyed differently by knowing the nature of the wine.

Red wines are made from black grapes. The wine gets its iconic dark red colour as it is made by brewing grape extract and its skin together. Meanwhile, the extract and the skin are brewed separately in the white wine. The temperature in which the wine is preserved would affect its flavour. So, it is better to store and preserve wine in its appropriate temperature before serving.

The cork
The red wine retains its best quality when it is stored at 15-20 degree Celsius. Meanwhile, the white wine tastes amazing when stored at 7 - 12 degree Celsius. The harmony between the wine and the temperature is evident from the aroma that wafts from the bottle as soon as the cork is opened. If the wine smells strongly of alcohol then it means the wine is too hot. You could enjoy the wine after cooling it. In case the wine doesn’t have any smell at all, it means the wine is too cold and should wait until it returns to room temperature.


Inspect the cork to know whether the wine has gone bad or not. For example, a swollen cork could indicate that the temperature of the wine is high. It could also happen due to any problems in the way the bottle was sealed.

If the cork is too tight, it means that there is no oxygen inside the bottle. Meanwhile, a soaked cork (mostly in the case of red wine) means that the wine has gone stale.


The glass
Wine is no ordinary drink that could be poured in any tumbler as it could mar the unique experience of enjoying it. Each wine should be had in unique stemware to enjoy it in perfection. Red wines should be served in huge bowl glasses with wide rims. The nostrils too should be inside the rim when the glass is tilted. These wide-rimmed glasses would allow you to enjoy the aroma of the red wine while drinking it. Meanwhile, white wines are typically served in smaller glasses that are shaped like ‘U’. This shape helps maintain the cooler temperature of the white wine.  

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