Make summer vacation productive for your children

children playing
Photo Credit: SolStock/ Istockphoto

For children, the summer holidays are their best resting period. Since this period gives them a break from their academic experts, they consider these days as their happiest. They can get a respite from studies as well as make use of the holidays just the way they want.

Summer holidays offer a chance to showcase your extraordinary talents. This is also the right time to learn some new skills.

No one wants to study during the summer vacation. They would rather have fun. Having said that this is the time to have fun as well as make use of your talents and discover new hobbies.

What is the need for children to be active during the summer vacations?

During this summer vacation, we are aware that children should remain physically active. But if you're trying to teach your child the importance of a balanced life, here are some facts about being active and enjoying them.

» Benefits of exercise include improved thinking or cognition for children aged between 6 to 13. Regular physical activity helps in improving children’s thinking, studies, and being discerning individuals. It also reduces the chances of depression, and anxiety as well as getting good sleep. Exercise helps in improving concentration and memory power. This will invariably help your school grades.

» Being physically active helps in strengthening your bones, muscles, joints, and coordination. As toddlers grow, they develop different motor skills that help them move and play. When it comes to these skills, which are so important to their physical and mental development, it's all about practice and repetition. The same rules are applicable when children grow into teenagers. Their bodies go through rapid changes, and this will help them adapt to these changes when it comes to physical activity.

» One has to keep in mind that by indulging in physical activities, children are also staying away from social media for longer hours. Studies reveal that spending too much on social media creates an atmosphere of loneliness in children.  Engaging in physical activity with loved ones helps in creating strong emotional bonds that support them through life's challenges.

All these points towards one thing—do what makes you happy! Though all types of exercises aren’t the same, they all have their benefits. Some children might love playing with their friends, cycling, playing the shuttle, or playing musical instruments. Parents should encourage them to pursue their interests.

Make fitness a fun activity

Parents should make sure that whatever physical activity the children are taking up, it should be safe for them. Encourage them to play with kids of the same age group.

Never force them to pick a sport or activity they aren’t interested in. When they are put under pressure, it becomes a chore for them, and it takes away the fun for them. This will create negative feelings about exercise and will result in long-term sedentary behaviour.

Encourage them to indulge in physical activities that improve their fitness as well as heart health.

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), children should get at least 60 minutes of exercise each day because it strengthens their cardiovascular system, muscles, and bone strength.

There are countless benefits in maintaining physical fitness – lowering cholesterol and blood pressure, reducing body fat, increasing blood and oxygen flow, and protecting against conditions like osteoporosis and diabetes are among the most important. Starting a fitness program at an early age can help your children start a lifetime of healthy habits. It teaches them about taking care of their bodies while building strong muscles.

In the olden days after school was closed, children would spend time with their friends or relatives. They will create a world of their own.

But today a lot of changes have happened in our lifestyle and that old childhood now looks like a distant dream. Therefore, even if it is not possible to recreate such a childhood, it is our duty to create a beautiful environment for the children. May our children's summers be filled with such fun-filled memories. 

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