If you feel your loved one is not quite themselves of late, and you have reasons to feel they are sliding into depression, it's important to consider it a serious matter and get help. Similarly, if you have such a gut feeling about your temperaments in today's stressful environment, it's important to give it due attention. There are nine signs to recognize if you, your family members, or co-workers are suffering from depression. They are:
1. Continuous sadness lasting from morning to evening
2. Lack of interest in doing things that one used to enjoy doing earlier

3. Unexplained fatigue
4. Lack of sleep 
5. Loss of appetite
6. Difficulty concentrating


7. Slowness in thoughts and actions
8. Feelings of despair and hopelessness: A feeling that one is lonely and that no one understands them or there is no one to help. Thoughts of being a burden to relatives.
9. Desire to die and suicidal tendencies.

If at least five of these nine symptoms persist consistently, it indicates a state of depression that requires immediate professional attention. People with depression may have imbalances in brain chemicals. Treatment involves medication to regulate these abnormalities, and psychological interventions can address thought disorders. It is crucial not to overlook the seriousness of depression, as individuals may resort to suicide if their struggles are ignored.
Courtesy: Arogyam/Dr. Arun B. Nair, Professor of Psychiatry at Thiruvananthapuram Medical College and honorary consultant psychiatrist at Sree Chithira Thirunal Institute of Medical Science and Technology

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