Breakups, divorces, and the death of a spouse affect men and women differently, as indicated by a study that reveals that women are more likely to use drugs for depression under these circumstances. The study, conducted by the European Research Council and the Academy of Finland, encompassed 228,644 Finns aged between 50 and 70. Among them, 33 percent were divorced, 30 percent had undergone a breakup, and 37 percent had encountered the death of their partner.

Over the four years leading to a breakup, women's antidepressant usage escalated by six percent, while men's increased by only 3.2 percent. Similarly, in the six months preceding divorce, antidepressant usage surged by seven percent among women and five percent among men. Researchers speculate that women may experience greater emotional challenges in dealing with breakups, divorces, and partner loss compared to men.


Additionally, the study highlights that men are more inclined than women to seek new relationships following a breakup or bereavement. The findings suggest that remarriage and renewed romantic connections might positively impact men's mental well-being, potentially resulting in reduced antidepressant utilization. Furthermore, the study reveals a rising divorce trend among individuals aged over 50 in high-income countries. These research insights were published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.

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