New Delhi: Lok Sabha on Friday passed the Indian Antarctic Bill, 2022, which seeks to extend the application of domestic laws to research stations set up by India in the Antarctic region.

Soon after the Bill was passed, the House was adjourned for the day to meet again on Monday at 2 PM.


As soon as the House reassembled at 2 pm on Friday following the second adjournment of the day, the Indian Antarctica Bill, 2022 was taken up for discussion after Earth Sciences Minister Jitendra Singh moved it for consideration.

The Bill seeks to extend the application of domestic laws to research stations set up by India in the Antarctic region. India has two active research stations in the Antarctic -- Maitri and Bharti -- where scientists are involved in research.


The Bill proposes to prohibit Indian expedition to Antarctica without a permit or written authorisation of another party to the Antarctic Treaty, provide for inspection by an officer appointed by the government and for penalty for contravention of certain provisions of the legislation.

It also seeks to constitute a fund for the welfare of Antarctic research work and protection of the environment of the icy continent.

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