Delhi hospital fire: LG Saxena orders chief secretary to begin probe

delhi hospital fire
Family members cry at a mortuary where bodies of newborns are kept at GTB hospital in Delhi. Photo: Atul Yadav/PTI.

New Delhi: On Sunday, Lt Governor V K Saxena directed Chief Secretary Naresh Kumar to "institute an inquiry" into the east Delhi children's hospital fire that resulted in the deaths of seven newborns. According to Delhi Fire Services officials, a fire broke out at the Baby Care New Born Hospital in east Delhi's Vivek Vihar area around 11:30 pm on Saturday and spread to two adjacent buildings. Twelve newborns were rescued from the facility, but seven of them died. Five babies are currently undergoing treatment at another hospital, they said.

"Have asked the chief secretary to institute an inquiry into the tragic incidents of fire in children's hospital in Delhi. Also instructed CP (commissioner of police) to ensure all that is needful," Saxena said in a post on X. "My heartfelt condolences to bereaved families."

“I assure all relief and will ensure that guilty are brought to book," Saxena added. Earlier, Delhi Health Minister Saurabh Bharadwaj directed the chief secretary to ensure a speedy inquiry into the fire incident.

NCPCR deploys team to investigate
The National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) has deployed a team to probe into the fire incident at a private children's hospital in east Delhi's Vivek Vihar that left seven newborns dead.

The blaze broke out at the Baby Care New Born Hospital around 11:30 pm on Saturday and soon spread to two adjacent buildings. Twelve newborns were rescued from the facility but seven of them died. Five babies are undergoing treatment at another hospital.

In a post on X, NCPCR Priyank Kanoongo said the commission has taken cognisance of the fire incident and the newborns' deaths. An NCPCR team will visit the hospital to investigate the incident, Kanoongo said.
(With PTI Inputs)

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