Prosecution pins hope on a host of evidence to nail Kevin's killers

Kottayam: As the trial into the sensational Kevin P Joseph murder case proceeds at the local court here, the prosecution lay stress on circumstantial evidence and the statement of eyewitnesses to drive home their point in their bid to nail the accused. It also reasoned that the Kottayam youth was abducted and murdered by a gang led by his fiancee Neenu's brother as the latter's family believed that their honour was at stake with the affair.

Kevin was targeted by his lover's family as he was a Dalit Christian, the prosecution stated.

It also relied on a host of evidence that proved the conspiracy and execution of the crime led by Neenu’s brother Sanu Chacko.

Kevin and his relative Anish were abducted by a gang from Kottayam on May 27, 2018. Kevin’s body was found in a river in Kollam district the next day. His cousin Anish reportedly managed to escape.

Hours before he was abducted, Kevin had told Neenu over the phone that second accused Niyas, a relative of Sanu, had threatened him over the phone, just before the former had started out from Punalur in Kollam district. Kevin, who spoke with Neenu till 1 am, told her about the threat. Hours after that Kevin was killed, the prosecution counsels pointed out.

It appealed to the court to consider Kevin's words to Neenu as his dying declaration.

They also cited evidence to prove that Sanu and the other 12 accused were in Kottayam town and around the Medical College locality on the day of the crime. A manager of a lodge and a man who run a wayside eatery had identified them.

Evidence that the accused had met at Kallar in Thenmala and the visuals of three cars used by the gang for abduction were also highlighted. Sanu's credit card records reveal the expenses for refuelling these cars were charged in his name.

Another crucial record was Sanu telling ASI T M Biju that he would release Anish, if Neenu was returned to her home.

What was Chacko’s role?

Meanwhile, the district principal sessions court raised suspicion over the prosecution's arguments that Neenu's father Chacko John had a role in the conspiracy to abduct and murder Kevin.

The court pointed out that Chacko was neither present at the crime scene nor when the conspiracy was hatched. However, the prosecution argued that Chacko led the operations of the gang from his home. Before coming from the Gulf, Sanu had sent a message toi his father's mobile phone stating that 'He (Kevin) is finished.' Moreover, Sanu and Chacko had contacted over the phone 21 times that day.

Chacko had also phoned 12th accused Shanu Shahjahan who was on the car in which Kevin was abducted and this proved his role, the prosecution contented.

The court also pointed at the contradictions regarding Kevin's place of residence. The prosecution had claimed that Kevin had been living at his relative Anish's house for several months. However, the First Information Report prepared by the Gandhinagar SI said that Kevin reached Anish’s house only two days before the incident. However, the prosecution said that the same officer had faced disciplinary action.

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