Mid-air scare for 172 onboard Thiruvananthapuram-Kochi flight

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Mumbai: An Air India plane bound for Kochi from Thiruvananthapuram suffered “minor” damages after it hit air turbulence on Friday, but landed safely, an official said.

The plane was carrying 172 passengers. No injury to any passenger or crew has been reported, the official said, adding Air India's safety department has carried out a detailed investigation.

"Air India's Delhi-Trivandrum-Kochi flight A1467 hit air turbulence when it was on the way to Kochi from Trivandrum. Though no injury has been reported, the A321 aircraft suffered minor damages. It was grounded immediately after landing for inspection. Due to this, the return flight was delayed by nearly four hours," the official told PTI.

Earlier, on September 17, Air India's New Delhi-Vijaywada plane carrying 174 passengers had also hit bad weather, a source from the airline told PTI.

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