Dispute over Samastha mouthpiece policy drags on, Nadwi served show cause

Bahauddeen Muhammed Nadwi and Mushtafa Mundupara. Photos: Special arrangement

Malappuram: The conflict within the leadership of the EK faction of Samastha Kerala Jamiyyathul Ulama (Samastha) continues over the policy of its mouthpiece Suprabhatham. The CEO of Suprabhatham wrote an editorial on Thursday, claiming the daily has not swayed from its original policy. 

Samastha has now issued a show cause notice to its Chief Editor and Publisher, Bahauddeen Muhammed Nadwi over his remarks in the media alleging violation of policy in the newspaper. Nadwi is a member of Mushavara (higher body of Samastha).

The latest dispute in Samastha started over differences regarding the inauguration of the newspaper's Gulf edition. It is alleged that the Indian Union Muslim League (IUML) boycotted the inauguration over political and ideological differences. Nadwi, who is regarded as pro-IUML, also stayed away from the function. In addition to this, he made his stand clear publicly. “I have received the show cause notice and need to reply to it by Friday. There will not be any change in my stand which resulted in the issue of such a notice. Hope Mushavara will discuss all the matters,” Nadwi told Onmanorama.

Suprabhatham, meanwhile, has claimed that its policy remains the same. “The newspaper has an inclusive policy and it has been derived under the leadership of Panakkad Sayyid Hyder Ali Shihab Thangal. We have a policy to include every section in the news and advertisement. We decided on the inauguration of the Gulf edition of the newspaper after interactions with IUML leaders,” Suprabhatham CEO Mushtafa Mundupara said.

The newspaper invited IUML leaders Panakkad Sayid Sadiq Ali Shihab Thangal and P K Kunhalikutty to the function along with Congress leader Ramesh Chennithala. They did not attend. The newspaper published an advertisement of the LDF government during the Lok Sabha election.

The political orientation of the organisation has been in question since the second Pinarayi government came to power. The IUML believes that the shift in the orientation is political rather than ideological, swaying towards the party in power. It has led to conflict and differences on various issues between IUML and Samastha and some have been dragged into the public domain. IUML also believes it did not get the support that Samastha often provides during the general election.

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