Kerala Welfare Pension: Beneficiaries likely to get Rs 1,600 next week

Representational Image: Manorama

Thiruvananthapuram: The beneficiaries of Kerala social security and welfare pension schemes are likely to get a month's pension of Rs 1,600 from Wednesday. Manorama News reported that the government on Saturday allotted Rs 900 crore for settling the arrear for November. Currently, the government has to settle arrears of six months.
Among the 62 lakh beneficiaries, all those who completed the mustering (submission of life certificates) process will receive the pension. The amount will be transferred to the bank accounts of those who registered the details with the government and others will receive the amount through co-operative societies.

It was in May 2023 that the pension distribution came to a halt due to a severe fund crunch in the state. In August, the government paid the pension for May and June ahead of Onam. Ahead of Christmas, the government distributed the pension arrear for the month of July. In April, the government distributed Rs 3,200 to the beneficiaries ahead of Vishu and Ramdan while settling arrears for September and October. 

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