Alappuzha BJP leader, accused of beating up 14-year-old, collapses and dies at home

Alampalllil Manoj. Photo: Special Arrangement

Alappuzha: A local BJP leader collapsed and died in his home at Kayamkulam on Sunday. The deceased is Alampalllil Manoj (45), who was the BJP booth president of Kappil East. Manoj was accused in the case of beating up a 14-year-old boy.

It was on Sunday, May 19, that Manoj manhandled 14-year-old Shafi and his brother, accusing them of theft. Shafi sustained serious injuries on his neck in the assault and was admitted to Alappuzha Medical College.

Manoj was arrested on a complaint filed by Shafi's mother on Wednesday and later released on station bail. However, due to mounting protests, Manoj was arrested again on Thursday and was charged with attempt to murder.

It was last Friday that Manoj was released on bail. He collapsed and died at home on Sunday afternoon. The body was shifted to the mortuary of Kayamkulam Taluk Hospital and later moved to Alappuzha Medical College for postmortem.

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