Youths narrowly escape close encounter with Padayappa near Munnar | Video

Padayappa charges at two vehicles at Nallathanni Kallar. Photo: Screegrab/Manorama News

Idukki: Five individuals including a priest  narrowly escaped wild tusker Padayappa in Kallar, near Nallathanni, Munnar on Sunday. The incident occurred near a dumping yard in Kallar at 6 pm. The priest and four other youths, travelling from Konni to Munnar in two vehicles, encountered Padayappa along the route. Padayappa caused minor damage to two vehicles.

They initially attempted to stop the elephant from approaching them by obstructing the road with both vehicles. But upon Padayappa's approach, they disembarked from their vehicles. Amidst clamorous attempts to drive the elephant away, Padayappa charged towards the youths bellowing in fury. After the young men fled, Padayappa retreated into the nearby forest. Following the elephant's departure, the group resumed their journey.  

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