T20 World Cup: Lamichhane denied US visa over old rape case

Sandeep Lamichhane
Sandeep Lamichhane. File photo: IANS

New Delhi: Nepal cricketer Sandeep Lamichhane is unlikely to travel to the United States of America and West Indies for the ICC Men's T20 World Cup 2024 after the US Embassy in Nepal denied him a visa over an old rape case.

 “And the @USEmbassyNepal did it again what they did back in 2019, they denied my Visa for the T20 World Cup happening in the USA and West Indies. Unfortunate. I am sorry to all the well-wishers of Nepal Cricket,” Lamichhane wrote on ‘X’.

The Patan High Court on May 15 acquitted Lamichhane in the rape case after the Kathmandu District Court sentenced him to eight years in jail in January.  Lamichhane was available for the T20 World Cup squad after he was found innocent.

However, Nepal already announced the 15-player squad led by Rohit Paudel but with the ICC rule of allowing the teams to make changes to their squad until May 25, it was certain that Lamichhane would get picked.

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