New Delhi: An Olympic medallist''s wish is anybody's command. Domino's Pizza has pledged free pizza for life to India's silver medallist Saikhom Mirabai Chanu, after the champion said she wished to eat pizza after her feat at the Tokyo Olympics.

The chain on Saturday also delivered pizzas to her family to celebrate Chanu winning the silver medal for India.

On Saturday in her interview with an Indian media house after winning the medal Chanu said: "First of all, I will go and have a pizza. It has been a long time since I ate it. I will eat a lot today.”



The video of the said interview was tagged to Pratik Potathe, CEO and Wholetime Director of Jubilant FoodWorks Ltd (JFL), which operates fast-food chains Domino''s Pizza in India, suggesting him to deliver "Pizza for her - for life".

While replying to it, Pota said: "Done! That’s the least we can do for someone who has brought so much honour for the country! #MirabaiChanu.”


Three hours later, Pota shared photos on Twitter of Domino’s team in Imphal delivering pizzas to her family.


JFL, part of Jubilant Bhartia group, is Domino’s Pizza franchise for India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Nepal.


It presently operates a network of 1,380 restaurants in 298 cities in India.

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