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Nonstick cookware with Teflon coating is suitable for cooking without oil.
Too little salt can lead to deficiencies, while too much can lead to health problems such as hypertension, heart disease, and stroke.
The antioxidants in banana leaves also have anti-cancer properties.
The fruit is known for its medicinal properties and can cure many ailments.
When you consume alcohol regularly, the body’s ability to handle alcohol increases.
Cassia has also been used in various spice blends, baked goods, savoury dishes, pickles, beverages and preserves, but its flavour and taste are different from cinnamon.
When the potato sprouts are exposed to sunlight, chlorophyll is produced resulting in the green colour.
Portion control and plate size are indeed related concepts when it comes to managing one's diet and controlling calorie intake effectively.
They are important for the proper brain, heart and overall functioning of the body.
Brushing teeth when your mouth is in an acidic state risks damaging tooth enamel.
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