Kerala minister Chinchu Rani's gunman booked for blackmailing woman using nude photos

The Kerala police have registered a case against the gunman of Kerala minister J Chinchu Rani for allegedly blackmailing a woman by threatening to circulate her nude photos.

The Valappad police in Thrissur district have booked Sujith and two others -- Manoj and Shirley -- based on the complaint from a Kodakara native.

Sujith is the gunman of Chinchu Rani, the state minister for Animal Husbandry and Dairy Development. She is also a national executive member of the CPI, the second largest ally of the ruling Left Democratic Front.

The FIR was registered on April 28 and the case has been transferred to the Vellikulangara police since the alleged crime took place in that station's limits.

The accused have been slapped with IPC Section 506, which deals with punishment for criminal intimidation, among other charges.

Sujith allegedly accessed some photos the complainant had sent to Manoj and blackmailed her using them, according to the complaint, police sources said.

The case has come at a time when Chinchu Rani is scheduled to leave for the UAE to attend an event organised by the World Malayalee Council from May 6 to 8. The minister will leave on May 5 and return on May 9. There has been no response from the minister on the case yet.

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