Organ trafficking racket operates through five layers; NIA to take over probe soon

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Kochi; The ongoing probe into the international organ trading racket, revealed by the arrest of a Thrissur-based middleman, has uncovered that the network operates through five distinct layers.
In India, the racket’s activities are largely confined to the last two layers, comprising agents and brokers. Sabith, a native of Valappad in Thrissur, who was arrested at Nedumbassery airport, belongs to the lowest layer and is unaware of the actual identity of the racket’s key agent in India.

Meanwhile, central agencies have traced the investigation to a medical doctor in Hyderabad. Given the international scope of the offence, the case will soon be transferred to the National Investigation Agency.
Based on complaints lodged by the relatives of victims who returned from abroad after donating their organs, central agencies conducted a preliminary investigation and alerted the local police. Sabith, who functioned as a second-level broker in the racket, was arrested after one of the complainants alerted the police about his arrival at Kochi airport.

The second phase of the investigation is now underway, utilizing the information gathered from Sabith. The investigation team has obtained details about Keralites trafficked to Iran using fake Aadhar cards and passports.
Additionally, Sabith has provided information about a Hyderabad-based medical doctor, who serves as the key agent of the racket in India.

Among United Nations member countries, Iran is the only one that has legalised organ trade. The Persian country allows the trading of up to 24 human organs, including the kidney, liver, pancreas, eyes, uterus, and skin. This legal framework has attracted insurance company agents, who act as key operatives of the racket, to focus their operations around hospitals in Iran.
Since Iran is a UN member and a friendly country to India, central agencies have been instructed to conduct the investigation carefully to avoid triggering a diplomatic row.
The investigation team, led by Ernakulam Rural SP Dr Vaibhav Saxena, is currently probing the case. They are now seeking to obtain custody of Sabith for 10 days to conduct a detailed interrogation.

The five layers of the organ trading racket:
1. Agents of foreign insurance companies
2. Hospital network which is part of the racket
3. Key agent
4. First-level brokers
5. Second-level brokers

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