Veteran Malayalam actor Beena Kumbalangi has sought refuge in a rescue home after she was forced out of her own house by her younger sister. Actor and social activist Seema G Nair said that Beena had sought her help after facing harassment from the younger sister’s family and was shifted to Janaseva Kendram.
“Beena had told me about her troubles. I had limitations in intervening in the issue. However, when Beena told me that she was on the verge of suicide, I visited her. I am one among the patrons of the Janaseva Kendram and the authorities there agreed to accommodate her. Beena can now live in peace for the rest of her life,” said Seema.
Incidentally, the house from where Beena was thrown out by her younger sister’s family was built for the actress by AMMA (Association of Malayalam Movie Artists). Beena says she belonged to a prosperous family of landlords who were engaged in copra business. However, the business later collapsed and Beena, at the age of 18, decided to shoulder the family’s burden by acting in movies.
“We were seven siblings and I supported all of them till I turned 36 years of age. Then I decided to settle down and married a man named Sabu. Meanwhile, I had pledged 30 cents of land in my name, but it was attached by the lender,” says Beena.
In 2018, Sabu passed away and Beena was virtually orphaned and homeless. Hearing about Sabu’s death, actor Edavela Babu, who is the general secretary of AMMA, visited Beena and learnt about her miserable condition. “Babu told me that AMMA would build a house for me if I could arrange the land. After Sabu’s death, my brother took me to his house. Our mother also was there and they transferred three cents of land to my name,” says Beena.
AMMA constructed a house for Beena on the three cents. “At that time my younger sister and her family were living in a rented house as she had no own house. I felt that I should help them and asked them to move with me,” recalls Beena. “However, two weeks ago, my sister and her family began harassing me, asking me to transfer the property to them. I had earlier told them that they could take possession of the house after my death. But they want the property now. They said my other siblings would claim the house after my time,” continued the actress.
“Last week, the mental torture from my sister and her husband became unbearable. I am ailing, but could not even take my regular medicines. I contemplated suicide, but as a last resort contacted Seema. If she had not picked up the phone, I would have ended my life,” said Beena.
Beena Joseph, who is known by her screen name Beena Kumbalangi, debuted in movies 42 years ago and appeared in over 60 films. Among her earliest notable roles was the female lead Damayanthi in ‘Kallan Pavithran’, a classic Malayalam movie by P Padmarajan where she shared the screen with renowned actors Nedumudi Venu and Bharat Gopi. Aged 18 then, Beena was predicted to become a leading actress. However, her destiny was different and she appeared only in minor roles. Her relatively recent notable role was as the maid Bhavani who refuses to fall for the overtures of Pyari (played by Salim Kumar) in the Dileep movie ‘Kalyanaraman.’