Pranayama are yogic breathing exercises that regulate and balance the vital energies in our body. These breathing techniques help in keeping our mind and body relaxed and healthy, especially during the harsh summer. Here are three cooling pranayama exercises that you could try.
Sheetali Pranayama
This exercise is performed using your tongue. First, sit in the vajrasana position. Stick your tongue out and then fold it gently like a crow’s beak. Breathe in calmly and slowly. This gentle breath embraces your windpipe before it reaches the lungs. Now, expel the same breath slowly through your nostrils. The cool air that is inhaled helps you relax while the hot breath is exhaled.

Sheetali pranayama should be done involving your tongue. Photo: Manorama
In sheetkari pranayama, you breathe in through the gaps on either sides of your mouth. Photo: Manorama

Sheetkari Pranayama
This is also done using the tongue. Stick out the tongue and gently fold it inside. Breathe in through the gaps that form on both sides of your tongue. Now, breathe out slowly through the nostrils. Make sure to inhale as slowly and calmly as possible. The exhaling breath too should be long and gentle.


Sadanta Pranayama
As the name suggests, teeth are involved in this breathing exercise. In this cooling exercise, air is allowed to be inhaled through the sides of the teeth. Open your mouth and hold it in such a way that the teeth in the upper and lower jaws meet. Press the tongue against the back of the teeth. Inhale steadily and calmly and exhale through your nostrils.

Your body and mind will be calm as soon as you do these cooling pranayama techniques. These breathing exercises may be helpful for those who suffer from hypertension and digestive problems. Practising pranayama regularly could keep away stress and tension. However, those who have low blood pressure and have a gap between teeth should avoid doing sadanta pranayama.

Sadantha Pranayama is done involving your teeth. Photo: Manorama
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