These foods are all about false promises

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It's fun to walk down the supermarket aisle picking up 'nutritious' foods inspired by their smart packaging and ads. However, dealing with issues like obesity, hormonal issues and more, which are often a byproduct of using such products, is hardly any fun. Many products including the so-called health drinks, baby foods, protein powders and more are coming under heavy scrutiny these days, thanks to studies conducted by various groups or researchers. The studies show that sugar, artificial colours and chemical ingredients found in these foods can only adversely affect health. What are some of the other foods labelled as 'healthy' alternatives but sneak unhealthy ingredients into our diets? Be assured that the list does not end with them.
Cereals and flakes
In various shapes, sizes and flavours, breakfast cereals are readily available in our shops. So are the corn and wheat flakes, juices and similar drinks. The sad truth is that they are extremely high in sugar content and also have colouring agents that are harmful to children. Often, the amount of fibre or protein content in them is also not in a healthy measure. If not consumed in healthy portion size, these food items can push anyone into obesity and digestive troubles.
Juices and drinks
Doctors always say that it is better to eat fruits as they are, rather than transform them into juices. The reason is that juices do away with fibre, and are just left with the 'sugary' extract of the fruit. Therefore, opt for fibrous, full fruits rather than their juiced or even cut format. Bite into their flesh after washing them properly for a satisfying meal. The same goes for drinks sold as 'health' drinks. The authorities have now made it clear that nothing can be sold labelling as a health drink as such a nutritional category does not exist. Flavoured yoghurts also hardly contain the nutritional value they claim to have.
Bars and packaged foods
Protein or granola bars are considered convenient meal options or on-the-go snacks by many people. However, whether they are good for your health depends on various factors like the quality of their ingredients, nutritional content, portion sizes and how they fit into your diet. Many of them have a high portion of added sugars, which can be detrimental to health.