Couple held in Kannur over TN student's murder

There were reports that Sujay and Reshma fled from Coimbatore on a bike after murdering Subbalakshmi.

Kannur: Police here on Thursday arrested a couple for allegedly murdering a college student at an apartment in Tamil Nadu's Pollachi. The accused are Coimbatore native Sujay (30) and his Malayali wife Reshma (25).

College student and Coimbatore native Subbalakshmi (20) was found stabbed to death in an apartment at Kothampadi on May 2. The neighbours reported that they heard the girl's screams from Sujay's apartment. Police rushed to the apartment as informed by the neighbours and recovered the girl's body.

There were reports that Sujay and Reshma fled from Coimbatore on a bike after committing the crime. Kannur police traced the duo as directed by the Assistant Commissioner of Police. Sources revealed that the accused were sent to Tamil Nadu police's custody.

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