Man sets wife on fire over suspicion of extra-marital affair

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Thiruvananthapuram: Suspecting infidelity, a man attempted to kill his wife by setting her ablaze inside their house at Ayiroor here on Monday. Leela (49), a native of Chemmaruthi is in critical condition after suffering 70 per cent burns. Police nabbed her husband Asokan (59) soon after the incident.

According to police, Asokan had stored a huge quantity of kerosene to execute the crime. Asokan reportedly poured kerosene on Leela and set her ablaze inside their room at around 4 am.

The couple's daughter and her child were asleep during the time of the incident. When their daughter woke up and rushed to the scene after hearing some commotion, she found her mother on fire. Police and neighbours took Leela to hospital.

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