Police slap charges of rape, attempted murder on MLA Eldhose Kunnappilly

Eldhose Kunnappilly. Photo: Manorama

Thiruvananthapuram: The police have slapped charges of rape and attempted murder on Perumbavoor MLA Eldhose Kunnappilly in the sexual assault case against him. The Thiruvananthapuram District Crime Branch submitted the charge sheet on Wednesday. According to the document, the complainant was raped more than once by Kunnappilly. It also stated that he tried to kill her in Kovalam. Two friends of the MLA have also been arraigned as accused in the case.

The case
On September 28, 2023, a resident of Petta filed a complaint that Eldhose Kunnappilly had sexually assaulted her. In a complaint to the City Police Commissioner, she stated that the legislator came home in an inebriated state and molested her. He later forced her into the car and sexually assaulted her en route to Kovalam. 

The charge sheet states that the rape was first committed at a resort in Adimalathura on July 4, 2022. She was also raped at a house in Thrikakkara and at a house in Kunnathunadu. He then tried to kill the woman by pushing her at Kovalam. The legislator had known the woman for five years, the chargesheet stated.  

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