Clash at KSU leadership camp in TVM; KPCC forms committee for inquiry

The camp was organised at the Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Social Sciences in Neyyardam. Photo: Screengrab from the video/ Manorama Online

Thiruvananthapuram: A state-level leadership camp organised here by the Kerala Students Union (KSU), the student outfit of Congress in Kerala, was allegedly marred by a clash among participants on Saturday night, prompting the Kerala Pradesh Congress Committee (KPCC) to conduct an inquiry. The camp was organised at the Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Social Sciences in Neyyardam.
Congress sources said the KPCC has constituted a three-member committee comprising its general secretaries to investigate the incident after visuals of the clash were telecast by the media on Sunday. The committee has been asked to submit the report by Sunday evening, they said.

Cops said they have not received any complaints regarding the alleged clash. A police officer, however, said that upon hearing about the incident, they inquired about it and were informed that there was a minor clash during a cultural event organised as part of the camp late in the evening.
About 200 persons from seven districts - 175 males and 25 females - were attending the camp. Congress sources said one KSU activist suffered an injury, and the windows of the institute were damaged during the clash.
(With PTI inputs)

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