Succulent and savoury mutton pieces in spicy, thick gravy makes for a delicious dish that everyone would take to! It can be eaten as a side for breads or rice, or used as a masala to flavour your biriyani.

¾ kg cooked mutton
1 cup fried onion slices
½ tsp turmeric powder
1 cup tomato sliced
Salt, as required
1 tsp cloves
1 tsp cardamom pods
3 pieces cinnamon
½ cup scraped coconut
2 tsp fennel seeds
2 dsp garlic paste
2 dsp ginger paste
¼ cup ghee
½-1 cup thick curd
1 cup meat stock
1 tsp coriander powder
1 tsp chilli powder
Juice of ½ a lime
¼ cup cashew nuts
1 cup coriander leaves, chopped


Dry grind chilli powder, fennel seeds, coriander powder and turmeric powder, and keep aside
Grind together scraped coconut and cashew nuts and keep aside
In a pan, pour the ghee
Add the garlic paste to the pan and saute until it turns brown
Add ginger paste and saute well
Add a little water to the dry ground mixture kept aside and drop it into the pan
Add tomatoes and blend well
Follow it up with curd
Add the coriander leaves, green chillies and fried onion and mix well
Drop the mutton pieces into the pan and mix well again
Add the meat stock to it and let it cook for ten minutes with the lid on
After ten minutes, add the coconut-cashew nut paste and lime juice

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