Rooh Afza sharbat or rose syrup is the favourite pick for many in the northern part of India to break their ramadan fast.

Recently, when someone posted a photo of a bottle of the syrup on Twitter and said 'Something is wrong with you if you like it,' not many were forgiving and were quick to defend the syrup's unmatched aroma and goodness. If you are game to give Rooh Afza a try, check out the recipe of this simple iftar drink. 


4 cups of cold water
4 tablespoon of Rooh Afza syrup
1 tablespoon of chia seeds (optional)
Ice cubs as required

Soak chia seeds in a cup for water for half an hour
Once they swell, drain the water out
Take the water in a bowl and add the Rooh Afza syrup to it, stir well
Add the soaked chia seeds and ice cubes
Serve garnished with mint leaves if interested