Thomas Mathew is a healthy 28-year-old. He is an employee of a Tower construction contractor of a mobile company. Along with a few locals and others from outside the state, there are 10 of them who live together. They cook for themselves and use tap water for drinking and cooking. When he tasted the water sour, he decided to go home and stay there for a week.

He returned when there was a summer shower. That’s when Thomas discovered that the rest of his colleagues were sick. Two were down with jaundice, two had some tummy ailment, one had fever and two more had a tummy ache.


This shows that various diseases be transmitted through water. What are the precautions one should take against this?

Drinking clean water is the best way to deal with it, but under current conditions, using boiled and filtered water will help in preventing such diseases to some extent.


Studies have proved that by using boiled water you can prevent waterborne diseases like jaundice, diarrhea, and typhoid. Make sure to wash food grains and vegetables properly before using them. It is important to make sure the food you consume is safe.

Cook your food in hygienic conditions and also cover the food properly once it is cooked.


(Information courtesy: Malayala Manorama Weekly)

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