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Food safety quads will inspect the quality of oils, payasam mixes, ghee, veggies, pulses, fruits, and more at catering units, hotels, and other locations.
If you are in the toilet for more than half an hour, scrolling through your phone, gastroenteritis, cholera, typhoid and hepatitis also await you alongside haemorrhoids.
On World Menstrual Hygiene Day, celebrated every year on May 28, the couple talks about the birth of FemiSafe.
Keeping the nails clean is essential, as these germs are capable of causing many types of diseases.
The waste products created by the metabolic processes in the brain due to the activities carried out during the day are eliminated during sleep at night.
Escherichia coli (E. coli) and other disease-causing microbes are more likely to pass easily between humans and animals in countries where clean water, sanitation and hygienic controls are lacking.
There would be twenty one food kiosks as part of the project in Thalangara. As of now, eight stores are open.
Studies have proved that by using boiled water you can prevent waterborne diseases like jaundice, diarrhea, and typhoid.
'If your gums are sensitive, swollen, red, or bleeding, these are an indication that your gums are not as healthy as they ideally should be.'