Alappuzha political murders: 4 more SDPI leaders in custody

OBC Morcha leader Ranjeet Sreenivas was murdered by a gang in Alappuzha on December 19.

Alappuzha: A Special Investigation Team (SIT) on Saturday arrested three SDPI (Social Democratic Party of India) activists in connection with the murder of BJP OBC Morcha leader Ranjeet Sreenivas.

It is understood that two of the accused nabbed by the SIT headed by ADGP Vijay Sakhare were directly involved in the murder that took place inside the victim's house here on December 19.

So far, 11 accused in the murder have been taken into custody. The police say that four of them participated in the crime while the others were reportedly involved in the conspiracy.

A fourth person arrested on the day, who runs a mobile shop, had allegedly supplied sim cards for the accused to use.

Earlier in the day, the BJP had protested in the town against the delay in arresting all the accused in the political murder.

State leader of the BJP, MT Ramesh, had claimed during the protest that they were willing to do the job for the police if they were “scared”.

Ranjeet's murder had happened within hours of the killing of SDPI state secretary KS Shan in the outskirts of the city.

Shan was killed by a gang on the night of December 18 when he was returning home. Ranjeet was hacked to death in front of his family members inside his house, less than 12 hours later.

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