Cash incentive on birth of girl child to be paid with retrospective effect in Kerala

Those mothers who had given birth to girl child in their second delivery after 1 April 2022 could apply for the monetary benefits until 30 June. Photo: Manorama Online

Thiruvananthapuram: A central government scheme for providing cash incentive to women for the second child if it is a girl would be implemented in Kerala with retrospective effect. The director of the Kerala State Women and Child Development Corporation has issued an order in this regard.

Those mothers who had given birth to a girl-child in their second delivery after 1 April 2022 could apply for the monetary benefits until 30 June.

As per the Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana, Rs 6,000 will be paid to a woman upon the birth of a girl child even if it is the second-born child. The scheme originally envisaged crediting the aid directly to the account of women/lactating mothers for the care of the mother and the first living child.

Those who are awaiting the birth of their second child too can register at the nearest anganwadi in case they need the incentive. Besides, they could also register directly on the web portal

The portal would be opened soon.

The central government introduced the scheme in 2010 to tackle the dropping birth rate of girl children in 11 states including Kerala.

Central and state government employees, staff at public sector undertakings and those who already receive such incentives cannot apply for this scheme. Besides, the scheme also provides Rs 5,000 for first-time mothers, irrespective of the gender of the newborn.

The scheme was earlier known as the Indira Gandhi Matritva Sahyog Yojana.

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