Air India Express agrees to review compensation claim made by Nambi Rajesh's wife

Nambi Rajesh's wife and child looks at his photo at their residence in Karamana. Photo: Manorama

Thiruvananthapuram: The Air India Express on Saturday said it will review the case of request for compensation made by Amritha C, wife of Nambi Rajesh, who died in an Oman hospital. Amritha was unable to visit her husband in his final moments due to the cancellation of flights after a strike by the crew of Air India Express. She received the response from the airline via email.

The Kerala government had also sought the Centre's intervention to secure compensation for the family of the deceased. In a letter to Civil Aviation Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia, Kerala General Education Minister V Sivankutty invited his attention to the "unfortunate incident" that took place in the life of Amrita due to the Air India strike. Rajesh's family had also protested with his body outside the AISATS office seeking compensation from Air India Express. They said that if the airline had not cancelled flights, his wife would have been by his side.

Nambi Rajesh, a native of Karamana in Thiruvananthapuram, was hospitalised on May 5 after collapsing at his workplace in Muscat. His wife Amritha C booked a ticket to Muscat on an Air India Express flight for the next day. She arrived at the airport in the morning, only to discover that the airline had cancelled services due to the cabin crew protest. Despite her efforts to persuade the airline officials, her pleas and tears fell on deaf ears. Instead, they sent her back home with a false promise of providing a ticket the next day. Amritha then inquired about the possibility of securing a ticket for the following day, but her efforts were in vain. Ultimately, she had to cancel her trip. Rajesh passed away a week later.

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