Blaze in Kerala pet shop kills around 100 birds, rabbits, fish

Representative image: iStock/yogesh_more

Thiruvananthapuram: A tragic fire at a pet shop here on Sunday morning claimed the lives of around 100 birds, rabbits, and fish. The blaze engulfed the shop owned by Shibin. However, the fire force was able to rescue some animals.
The incident came to light when the family members of the building owner who live close to the shop experienced breathlessness due to the smoke and informed the fire force and the pet shop owner. Shibin said around 100 birds, some rabbits and a few fish died in the fire, and accessories for nurturing pets got destroyed. He suffered a loss of over Rs 2.5 lakh. He said he suspects foul play in the incident and has lodged a complaint with the police at Maranalloor. Police said they have launched an FIR based on the shop owner's complaint.
(With PTI Inputs)

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