Netflix ends password sharing in India; strict household-only access now enforced

For countries, including India, where paid sharing is not yet implemented, Netflix is taking an alternative approach. Photo: Manorama

Netflix has recently announced a significant update to its policy in India. Moving forward, the sharing of passwords will no longer be allowed among different households. The company now requires that each Netflix account be restricted for use within a single household only.

To enforce this new policy, Netflix has begun sending emails to members in India who have been sharing their accounts outside of their household.

Acknowledging the vast array of entertainment options available to its members, Netflix reaffirms its commitment to cater to diverse preferences. This commitment is evident in the company's substantial investment in a wide variety of new films and TV shows. Regardless of their individual tastes, moods, or preferred languages, viewers can always find something satisfying to watch on Netflix, making it a versatile platform for all.

For countries, including India, where paid sharing is not yet implemented, Netflix is taking an alternative approach. Users who wish to continue sharing their accounts with people outside their household will have the option to do so but at an additional fee.

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