Rumours have been circulating regarding actor Shine Tom Chacko's relationship with his fiance Thanuja. The absence of any recent pictures featuring the couple led netizens to speculate about potential trouble in paradise. However, Thanuja recently quelled these rumours by sharing a loving photo of herself with Shine on her social media account.
Despite this clarification, doubts linger among some netizens regarding the status of their relationship. One user even questioned if the couple had reconciled, saying, "Did you guys reunite? When Shine removed the pictures of the two of you together, we thought that you guys split up." Some individuals also criticized the media for disseminating false narratives about the couple's relationship, with one user commenting, "What about the media who said that these two have split up?"
Shine and Thanuja announced their engagement in January of this year, with images from the event quickly becoming viral. The couple's wedding is anticipated to take place later this year, despite the ongoing rumours and speculation surrounding their relationship.